
Tips to help you develop and achieve your strategy

What is a dashboard really?

If you have attended one of my 2020 PuMP Blueprint Training workshops, you will have heard me mention Nick Desbarats of Practical Reporting.  Nick’s name comes up when we discuss …

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Demand Evidence not Dashboards

“Get me a dashboard!” is an all too common leader demand that echoes in office hallways and virtual meeting rooms, but do these urgent requests get executives what they really need?

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How to recognize a poor KPI?

I love techniques like “appreciative inquiry” and other such approaches that help us focus on the positive descriptors of what’s working and when we are at our best. However, for cases when specific skills are needed to achieve something important and when risks are high, it’s just as necessary to be able to spot when something is going wrong.

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Louise leading PuMP Performance measure workshop

Top 3 struggles people have with performance measurement and KPIs

Are you struggling to find the right KPIs to measure your strategy?

Do you want to have more people buy-in and take ownership of improving performance?

Great measures focus people on the results that matter most, but most organizations don’t have them because people struggle to develop and use performance measurement well.  

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